MORE is a unique and interdisciplinary approach to evaluate sustainable, efficient, and safe mobility technologies of the future. Within MORE the campus of the Universität der Bundeswehr München (UniBW M) is transformed into a model city and different innovative mobility concepts are developed and implemented on site. Based on future mobility requirements of society, MORE tackles problems and challenges in the 4 research fields: ‘Energy & Propulsion’, ‘Society & Transport’, ‘Networking & Autonomy’, and ‘Challenges & Impacts’. Activities range from the planning of modern cities, energy returned on investment (EROI) evaluations of “clean” energy sources, research projects on innovative propulsion systems (e.g. electromobility, hydrogen, and biofuels), implementation of autonomous driving concepts on the campus including the connection of transport infrastructure and users as well as evaluation of the overall impacts for human and environment.
MORE is funded for 4.5 years (2020 – 2024) by the Federal Government of Germany with a total sum of 43 Mio €. In total, 17 UniBw professors and 42 researchers from various disciplines, i.e. engineering, natural sciences, economics, and social sciences work closely together with numerous industrial partners and other research institutions to establish this worldwide unique approach.
The steering committee consists of the project leader of MORE Prof. Dr. Trapp and the leaders of the 4 research fields. Prof. Dr. Thomas Adam, director of the UniBw’s institute of chemistry and environmental engineering and deputy director of HMGU’s CMA, is heading the research field ‘Challenges & Impacts’ and is a member of the steering committee.