In Offer et al., A549 and EA.hy926 cells were exposed at Air-Liquid-Interface to soot particles SOA from β-pinene and naphthalene adsorbed on soot particles. While fresh soot particles show no effect, photochemical aging of both β-pinene and naphthalene enhanced the toxicological effects to significant levels. However, naphthalene-derived SOA was associated with the formation of more oxidized and aromatic SOA with higher oxidative potential and toxicity compared to β-pinene. These findings highlight the influence of atmospheric chemistry molecular PM composition for assessing adverse health outcome of different emission sources.
Offer et al.: Effect of atmospheric ageing on soot particle toxicity in lung cell models at the air-liquid interface: Differential toxicological impacts of biogenic and anthropogenic secondary organic aerosols (SOAs) DOI 10.1289/EHP9413.